Freitag, 30. November 2012

Animation And Trees

Wow, last post is 3 weeks ago. I was a bit lazy for 2 weeks, but this week was very productive. In fact, I managed to do everything I wanted to do before I'm off on vacation for 2 weeks.

Well, what's new? Yeah, you guessed right: Animations and trees. More exactly: The player avatar now moves itself and I added some treeeeees. The graphics for those are placeholders, I hope I'll find some time soon (well, after the vacation) to make some better (or at least worse) tree sprites.

And, for the fun of it, here's a quick video of the new world:

You may see the character walking over the trees. Yes, they're not quite finished yet. After making that video, I implemented collision detection, so you won't be able to go through the trees anymore. Only thing that's missing: The character doesn't yet walk behind the tree. Maybe I find the time to fix this tomorrow.

However, this week was very good. Having added the animation engine, trees (with distribution) and basic collision, I'm both satisfied and motivated for the next bunch of things to do. Actually I'm not sure what will be next. Saving and loading maps would be a fine thing, though I still don't have a good idea on how to manage this. I also have to make something about the water, walking over it Jesus style isn't soooo good.

Spontaneous idea: I could add an option for how many different tiles there should be, automatically creating the textures and so on... mhhh... will think about that.

Well, that's all for today. See you in about 3-4 weeks, hopefully with a new update :D

The Wachmacher

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