Donnerstag, 20. September 2012

Adding some height to the soup

One of my biggest problems so far was the implementation of the height map in the renderer. Creating the height map wasn't the problem but to add the corresponding graphics to the screen...
Well, I'm far from having it finished but I took the first steps and am quite proud that I managed to get this far. I know it may seem a bit strange to be proud of something as unaesthetic as this:

But still, I got the idea and succeeded to add at least the impression of height, so that's a jump of joy for me ^^

Other problem I encountered is the map creation on the fly. It takes some time to create a new map, about 0.2s, and thus the picture stutters a bit. Can't wait to get to know Mr. Multithreading.
Oh, if anyone has some tips for me, feel free to post a comment!
Yes, I mean you, that one guy who happens to read my blog.

And I've got to admit, being a noob can be quite some fun because you've got so many new things to learn. And succeeding in these (rather easy, because basic) tasks gives a good pint of satisfaction.

Or to use the Doctor's words: Fantastic!

The Wakemaker

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