Mittwoch, 12. September 2012

Getting started... some days later

Hi there!

This is my little development blog of a game I'm creating, called Foreign Worlds. 

Its (the blog's) purpose is to be a nice little documentation of the work in progress and it's (the game) about some guy (you) stranded on a foreign world after your spaceship crashed on it.

It's my first real game project and the first time I'm programming anything in C#/XNA. Actually, I'm not a programmer at all, I started only 1.5 years ago with ActionScript and switched to XNA a few months ago, so this is big learning experience for me and probably will be full of all those flaws everyone has to learn. But at least it'll be fun, learning by creating something I'd always wanted to make.

Also, you can try to not mind my imperfect English skills. As a non-native speaker, I'm sure there'll be some (girls would say 'cute') grammar and spelling mistakes or strange idiomatic expressions like 'i think my pig whistles'. If you get it, you can keep it :D

All in all, I'm curious what this project will turn out and where I'll be in a year from now.


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